How To Ski All Day and Party All Night in Portillo
I’m off to Portillo Chile where the wine flows 24/7 and love is in the air. Passion for skiing, the mountains, the rush of adrenaline, great people, doing the best sport ever is what Portillo Chile is all about.
I’ll be at Hotel Portillo for three weeks this August - come join in on the fun at one of my camps: August 11-18; August 18-25. You won’t regret it! 2018 being my 14th season, I know the bartender and staff well. This is not necessarily a good thing.
Photo courtesy of Ski Portillo Wine Week
I love what I do and feel lucky to call myself a professional skier. 150 days a year on snow, traveling all over the world to the best locations and sharing my time with people on vacation. What more could I possible ask for? A new liver?
I’m in the entertainment business and I’m very good at it. This means late nights and early mornings. Hanging out with fun people who want to ski hard all day and play hard at night. Eating, drinking, dancing, shots, hook-ups, late night hot tub sessions, you name it, I’m Julie McCoy, and am here to make your ski adventure everything you hoped for.
Photo courtesy of Ski Portillo Wine Week
With a lifestyle like this, there are some rules and reminders I have set for myself to survive the mad pace:
1) Keep in mind these people are on vacation… you are not.
2) Start the fire but don’t carry the torch… pass it on.
3) Not everyone in the group is awake; some have already gone to bed.
4) Invite fun friends, VIPs, interesting people to the group for variety, culture and dance partners.
5) Keep the male to female ratio balanced.
6) Drink a glass of water in between each cocktail.
7) No shots after midnight.
8) No dancing on tables or the bar (except at Cloud Nine at Aspen Highlands.)
9) Do not smoke anything no matter how cool you want to be.
10) Don’t let anyone walk you to your room. Say goodnight in a public place.
Kim and amigos enjoying an evening in Portillo
Portillo Drinking Rules with Kim Reichhelm:
Bartender: Jamie
Favorite drink: Vodka Kim: Vodka, Club Soda & Chirimuya (a delicious tropical fruit from the Andes that tastes like a mix between Pear and Pineapple juice.)
Best move: Show up with a bottle of scotch for Jamie.
Better move: Tip at the beginning of each week.
Smart move: Be kind.
Don’t: Mix wine, cocktails and shots.
Keep from getting drunk: Dance a lot
Hangover prevention: Activated Charcoal.
Hydration help: Chia seeds in water.
Look less hungover: Cold pack on eyes.
Good move: Wear sunglasses and a ball cap to breakfast.
Best move: Smile!