Legacy Customer Profile: Janet Love
This year marks the 30th Anniversary of Ski With Kim (SWK), meaning Kim has skied with A LOT of people, in A LOT of places. Kim's passion is to share her love of skiing with others. As a tribute to the people who have made this dream possible year after year, we are highlighting some of Ski With Kim's most loyal customers.
For the sixth installment, Ski With Kim profiled Janet Love from Dallas, TX:
Janet Love, has been skiing with Kim for 23 years!
How long has Janet been skiing with Kim?
For over 23 years!
Where did you hear about SWK?
JANET: Kim came to visit a ski shop in Dallas in 1994. She passionately talked about Women’s Ski Adventures and it made want to start skiing again! I hadn’t skied in 10 years because I was raising my kids but listening to Kim made me want to get back into the mountains.
Where have you skied with Kim?
JANET: I’ve skied with Kim and Women’s Ski Adventures several times in Crested Butte, Aspen/Snowmass, Steamboat and Vail. My husband and I skied with Kim at her Coed Steep Camp in Aspen and I’ve been on Kim’s guided skiing adventures in Valle Nevado and Portillo, Chile.
Janet and friends in Crested Butte, CO
Most Notable Trips?
JANET: One of my fondest memories is from Steamboat. Kim and the instructors set us up in a formation and we synchronized our turns. All skiing together in perfect unison was euphoric. The rhythm made me feel connected to the other skiers, like I was floating down the slope completely unaware of any fears. My favorite trips have been the adventures to Chile. Both Valle Nevado and Portillo were amazing.
KIM - I made Janet bring a second pair of skis to Valle Nevado for skiing powder. She was nervous about her ability to ski powder but, sure enough it snowed and entire group broke out their fat skis. It took a few runs to get use to them but in a short amount of time Janet was skiing down the fall line with powder flying on both sides. I’ll never forget the smile on her face.
Janet and crew skiing Valle Nevado with Santiago in the background
How has your skiing progressed?
JANET: For years I didn’t have the confidence to ski bumps. When the group got into moguls I usually went around and watched from the side. But one season it all meshed and for the first time I felt confident. Kim knew I was ready and asked me to follow her, I remember her saying “do you trust me?” and off we went. What a huge personal accomplishment!
KIM: I think the first trip to Chile changed Janet’s skiing. It was such an adventure. We stopped focusing in technique and just skied and laughed a lot. Everyone in the group improved and their skiing reached a new level. When Janet and I skied together the following season she had clearly advanced to the next level both in technique and confidence.
Janet in Portillo!
How has the relationship/trip experience evolved over the years?
KIM - After 23 years of skiing together Janet and I have become great friends. I love having her on trips because she cares about everyone. She takes the newbies under her wing and makes them feel comfortable and a part of the group quickly.
Janet and Jen- Ski With Kim friends
What have you gained from Skiing With Kim besides progressing your skiing?
JANET: The whole atmosphere of Ski with Kim provides an incredible bonding experience among women. I have met some amazing women that have become close friends. We stay in touch through out the year! When the new schedule comes out we all communicate who is going on which trip. My husband, Roland, loves for me to go on these trips with Kim! I come home happy and energized!
KIM – I love that Janet has made so many friends through skiing with me. If the only thing I do is create a network of women who ski, I’m accomplishing something really special. Luckily it’s even more then that.
Janet crushing the pow in Valle Nevado, Chile!