Legacy Customer Profile: Ann Fetzer
This year marks the 30th Annivesary of Ski With Kim (SWK). Meaning Kim has skied with A LOT of people, in A LOT of places. Kim's passion is to share her love of skiing with others. As a tribute to the customers who have made this dream possible year after year, we are highlighting some of Ski With Kim's most loyal customers.
For the first installment, Kim has profiled Ann Fetzer, who has been skiing with Kim for 27 years!!
Ann in Japan.
Where did Ann hear about SWK: Read about SWK in Skiiing Magazine
Where has she skied with SWK:
First SWK trip was Whistler Blackcomb in 1992. Then....
Sun Valley
Big Sky
Alta (more than once)
Portillo (more than once),
Japan (more than once)
Quote from Ann: "More trivia....I was on your first client trip to Portillo, Japan and now Greenland!! How's that for "first tracks"!! Skiing with you has made me a better, stronger and younger skier!!
Most notable trips: Greenland last year was an amazing trip. I think for both of us Greenland is the most beautiful place we have ever skied.
Fun memories? In Japan the group got ahead of me on the single track and missed the turn back into the resort. We ended up on a road, covered in about 4 inches of fresh snow on top of packed powder. So we started polling down to town when we got pulled over by the police. They were upset with us because they said we were damaging the road with our skis and they made us take them off. They were quite agitated although none of us had any idea what they were saying. We lied to them and told them we had a ride coming. Finally we were able to hitch a ride in a deliver truck and were taken to Hannazano.
Hitchin' a ride in Japan! Always an adventure.
Quirky indyonsyncrasises about this person: Ann is one of the mellowest clients I have. She loves to adventure travel, eat fine food and drink great wine. She has a hidden sense of humor, which is especially funny to me because after 27 years she has seen a lot with me. She has a great laugh and makes me laugh which I love.
How has Ann's skiing progressed over the years? Ann has retired since we first started skiing together and has a home in Big Sky so it’s flattering that she still travels to ski with me. She likes to challenge herself but knows her limit. She is always in control, fluid and strong. Ann has kind of turned into a powder hound over the years.
Dreamy heli-skiing turns by Ann.
What is your relationship like with Ann? It’s funny, Ann has become a friend over the years but we don’t communicate unless it’s about planning a trip. But once we are together we pick up right where we left off. She is always kind, supportive gives great advice and then cracks a joke.
About Legacy Customers: To say I have been skiing with a friend like Ann for 27 years is what SWK is all about. Longtime clients are what keeps me coming back year after year with the constant desire to offer engaging, memorable trips every year. Thank you to Ann and all my legacy clients- cheers to another season! Adventure awaits.